Tictac Limbo, Coral Fugue
Tictac Limbo, Coral FugueInstallation / Sculpture / Book Publication
Vienna, 2017
“…come further now. We must hurry a little, for we must walk and tremble through several other apparitions…At length, as the stone stairs came to end, we were walking over moist, soft earth. I felt that we were standing in the middle of the earth’s sphere, so deep and lonely was the place…One must always keep moving, as we are doing here, one must dance in freedom. It is cold and beautiful. Never fall in love with it…”
– «Jakob Von Gunten», Robert Walser
“…At that passed moment in my apartment in Berlin, I slept with a writer, who works as gardener. He fondled my back so roughly like planting on the soil. Our lyng bodies became moist and soft, sinking slowly into the bed in the darkness of that midnight…”
– Diary: 02.07.2014
Coral Fugue
Ceramic, wood. 2017
Tictac Tictac
Acrystal, lacquer. 2017
Ceramic. 2017
Ain’t Catch You!
Ceramic. 2017
Cotton shirt, copper,photography, print, wood. 2017
Weeping Bridge
Acrystal, metal stick, paper, polyester resin, lacquer. 2017
Insomniac’s Blanket
Silicon, cotton textile. 2017
Overnight Utopia
Ceramic, wax, soil, paper, black colour. 2017