Liquid Crystals Rose Upon Your Lips
Web Presentation. 2020

Inspired by the historical context and the aesthetics of Art Deco, Tsao uses porcelain, one of her main materials of choice, to create a new body of work that in her intentions wants to re-interpret the style and optimistic frenzy of this modernist movement, to adapt it to a very personal portrayal of the changing narrative of our times.
The act of reinterpretation charges the artworks with new meanings, as it ontologically questions the rejection of the past and blind faith in the future characterising Art Deco. Through the use of a material with such a long history as porcelain, Tsao materialises the contemporary digital aesthetics of our times in an intriguing contrast where the relations between future and past, between nowadays and the times of the art movement she’s appropriating are playfully and conceptually confused. Art Deco becomes futuristic and retro at the same time.
Tsao places then the results of her research into the very environment in which she has been spending most of the year 2020, her apartment. There, the dim light illuminates these fascinating artefacts of semi-organic shape while they lie in room corners or on the naked body of the artist herself. Looking at these works in this familiar, protective, yet slightly claustrophobic environment, we can’t avoid to wonder how to venture again ’out there’ and into the future and if, somehow, in the modernist inspired shapes and in the smooth and luscious surfaces of Chin Tsao’s sculptures, we can really find the optimism we need for it. (Text by NEVVEN Gallery)

if you just want to disappear from…
Porcelain. 2020
Listen the advice of the Wall-street Witch
Porcelain. 2020
The snake will fix the sky with magic stones
Porcelain, brass. 2020